Tags: Games
Results 1 - 11 of 11
The official rules of Backgammon
Weblink(616 visits)
C-evo is a Civilization like freeware empire building game for Windows.With a time scope of several thousand years, it covers aspectsof exploration and expansion, industry and agriculture, warfare and diplomacy,science and administration. C-evo follows th ...
Weblink(730 visits)
an x86 emulator with DOS
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Freeware Flight Simulator
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Freeciv est un jeu de stratégie fonctionnant au tour par tour, qui se joue seul ou ensemble à travers un réseau, et qui est libre (licence GNU).Les joueurs, assumant le contrôle d'une civilisation, combattent pour atteindre ...
Weblink(672 visits)
Play free with many games. Old hits and innovations. Space invader, pack man, asteroids, yeti... ,
Weblink(721 visits)
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Kinder Surpise - get a magicode and have fun...
Weblink(761 visits)
Play Online Chess, Free Chess Online, nsa-hitachi.com
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Game : Train Dsipatcher Simulation
Weblink(637 visits)